Tuesday, November 25, 2008
For P and P's health...first, he is an amazing husband and father. He is very patient (with me especially) and the children and I adore him! By the way, he had an excellent check up and there is no surgery on the horizon (well, at least not for a few years - praise God!)
For our beautiful children. They bring me more joy everyday than I could ever imagine. AR is so smart, and she is so wonderful with her baby brother. And J is my snuggle bear. He is just the cuddliest guy ever.
For our families, for their love and support in all our endeavors. They all have been there for us in one way or another.
For our friends...they listen (endlessly) to me...they are always there to bounce things off of, or just cry with, or laugh with. I can only hope to strive to be the type of friend they are to me.
For our jobs, that we are blessed to have them, and they allow us the flexibility for me to stay home with our children. I never thought it would last almost 3 years, but it has, and it's an amazing gift from God that we are able to do that.
For our home...it was very scary selling our house and buying another. It might be half empty, but it's warm, comfortable, and slowly becoming our own. I am working in our master bath right now. Once it's finished, I will post some before and after pictures.
And finally, and most importantly, for our faith. It has taken us through some of our toughest times. Having almost lost my husband, and losing 2 children, some days I am amazed that I am not a complete mess. But I contribute everything to my faith in God. He has been (and will continue to be) the most important part of our lives.
We hope all our friends and family have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving Day! We hope you spend it with your loved ones and we hope it's peaceful and blessed.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Random thoughts and pictures
J is standing up like a champ, and cruising around the furniture. He actually took a few steps with his walker. I am not ready for a walking baby yet! What happened to my sweet little infant?
This one was captured just after waking up from his nap...Probably not very nice of me...check out all the drool on his chin! We have 4 teeth now...2 front top and 2 front bottom. And he uses them to bite me wherever he can sink them into.
And finally, this one is from this morning. I was cleaning up the kitchen and came into the living room to find my 2 year old had undressed herself. Now, it's usually not chilly around here, but it was only in the mid-30's this morning.
And on a final note, we are officially "sleeping through the night"! It's been a long, long, long 9 months. We finally decided to try a soy formula, and low and behold...the first night of the soy J slept through the night. If he does wake up, it is much easier to put him back to sleep (5 minutes compared to 2 hours!) We are keeping our fingers crossed that this really is how it will stay. It's been a week and a half. :) Mommy and daddy are feeling so much better.
Oh...and another final note. P had his yearly check up. He is doing fantastic. The surgeon is so pleased with how his heart looks. He said everything is stable, no changes from last year. He does not suspect he will need any kind of surgery for at least a few years, if not more. We are so thankful and blessed for P's great health! God is awesome!!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Love all of you!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Talking to God...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy Halloween!
J didn't look very happy in his costume. :(
Hope everyone had a safe and happy halloween...now we start looking forward to Thanksgiving! AR is already talking about going to papa-daddo and mimi's house and seeing all our aunts, uncles, and cousins! She is very excited!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Very first candy bar...
Friday, August 22, 2008
The moments mommies live for...
Me: "Yes pumpkin?"
AR: "You're my best friend!"
Me: Heart melting, tearing up! :)
Hope all my mommy friends are having a wonderful week!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Terrible two's...
Otherwise, we are getting back into the swing of things. P is back to work, I am home again. I have an awesome video to post. I will try in the next day or two. The video is not really worth anything, it's the sounds of Joshua laughing...belly laughing...at his big sis. It's so cute. Hope you will return to hear it. It will put you in a great mood! Love to all our family and friends! A.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Where is the summer going?
AR and G playing with a giant light bright! Very cool.
J eating some cereal for one of the first times. Not too successful!
Monday, June 23, 2008
It's Summertime!
Happy 2nd birthday!
Papa-daddo and J relaxing on the porch
Painting with papa-daddo!
Summertime fun in the backyard! (thanks uncle p and aunt d-d for the crazy sprinkler!)
AR and J hanging out together!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Jammy jam dance
Maybe we're biased, but P and I think this is hysterical. We laugh so hard it brings tears to our eyes. I hope AR always feels this confident in her dancing skills! Enjoy! BTW, you have to click on the video multiple times to get it to work. It will give you some trouble at first, but keep trying. It will finally work. (hopefully!) And have your sound up!
Friday, May 30, 2008
First Harvests
Strawberry grown in our backyard!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Lake
Papa, AR and her cousin JF on the dock
J in his beach hat
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
attempting to post a video...
Monday, May 12, 2008
Going away...and being home again
Monday, April 28, 2008
Pictures of J and AR

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
AR is officially a girlie girl...
Friday, April 11, 2008
New Pictures of Joshua
Easter and Baptism
Daddy and AR before Easter services J slept through the entire baptism!
The W Family