Monday, June 23, 2008

It's Summertime!

Well, the W Family is in full summer swing. P is finished with teaching for the summer, which means I am back to working some during the week. It gets a little hectic trying to juggle, house, work...but we have a vacation coming up in 2 weeks. We are headed to Tennessee to spend some time with P's family. We can not wait!! It will be the first time they meet J. It should be a fun and relaxing trip. This will be our 3rd summer going, and we love it and appreciate our family for letting us come stay at their lake house. :) Here are some new pics...just a hodge podge of stuff. Enjoy!

Happy 2nd birthday!!

Happy 2nd birthday!

Papa-daddo and J relaxing on the porch

Painting with papa-daddo!

Summertime fun in the backyard! (thanks uncle p and aunt d-d for the crazy sprinkler!)

Our one lone tomato in our garden (hopefully not the last!)

AR and J hanging out together!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Jammy jam dance

Maybe we're biased, but P and I think this is hysterical. We laugh so hard it brings tears to our eyes. I hope AR always feels this confident in her dancing skills! Enjoy! BTW, you have to click on the video multiple times to get it to work. It will give you some trouble at first, but keep trying. It will finally work. (hopefully!) And have your sound up!