Friday, June 6, 2008

Jammy jam dance

Maybe we're biased, but P and I think this is hysterical. We laugh so hard it brings tears to our eyes. I hope AR always feels this confident in her dancing skills! Enjoy! BTW, you have to click on the video multiple times to get it to work. It will give you some trouble at first, but keep trying. It will finally work. (hopefully!) And have your sound up!


  1. It's not just b/c you're her parents... this was hilarious!!! I was laughing out loud! Could she swing her hips any further to the side? Very cute. Good for you fir getting it on film.

  2. Oh my goodness! She is almost ready for "You think you can dance" she certainly has the swing of it! This was too funny! I also loved hearing Daddy sing!

  3. I needed a good laugh, so I came back to see the jammy jam dance! Thanks AR!!
