Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here are a few of our pictures from halloween! AR just had a blast, once she realized that you actually get CANDY when you say "Trick or Treat!". She just kept saying, "Let's go to MORE houses!" We let her go to about 10 houses, than back to our house to give out candy. She tried to become friends with all of our Halloween guests! She was very cute!

J is a red baby dragon (RAWR!) and AR is a pink pup-pup (picked out by herself!)

J didn't look very happy in his costume. :(


Hope everyone had a safe and happy we start looking forward to Thanksgiving! AR is already talking about going to papa-daddo and mimi's house and seeing all our aunts, uncles, and cousins! She is very excited!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I've been anxiously awaiting a new blog post! Your dragon and pup are adorable!!!!!! Don't you just love it when they're dressed up?
    Glad to hear that AR had a great night and is looking forward to Thanksgiving. J is a fierce dragon...RAWR
