Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Long time, no blog...

Wow...it's almost mid-February. I don't think I've posted anything since Thanksgiving time! How time is flying by. It's going so fast. J will be ONE at the end of February. I can not believe it. He is turning into quite the big guy...he is standing on his own, he is cruising on all the furniture, and he is still sleeping through the night like a champ! We are currently transitioning to milk (unfortunately, he seems to still have trouble with cow's milk, so we are going to try soy milk for a few months, then try cow's milk again). And once we get him off formula for good, we will say goodbye to bottles! Hooray! I hand wash my bottles, but feel ok with putting the sippie cups through the dishwasher. :) So lots of great things happening for him!

AR is doing very well also. We (well, P) decided it was time to potty train. We had a pretty rough week last week, but so far this week things are going well. She is having minimal accidents. She is definitely feeling the sensation of needing to go to the pottie BEFORE she actually has to go, and she goes from 3-5 hours in between potty visits. We haven't ventured out much. The times we have, I bring the potty seat with us. The thought of her having to sit on some of the toilets I've seen gives me the heeby-jeebies. *yuck*

AR got into the pre-school of our choice. I couldn't be a prouder mama...like she was 'accepted' out of 100's of children. Except that it's semi-random. She has been on a waiting list for over a year. The current families in the school and the church families (not our church) had first choice. Then the families who are on the list have the next opportunity. You had to mail in your application on a certain date (you could NOT drop it off at the school) and it was a first come first serve. So her fate was in the hands of the United States Postal Service. I went over the post office closest to the school, and got there when they opened. I asked could the application be put in the carrier's delivery pile to be delivered that same day. Fortunately, they must encounter this year after year, and many people were doing the same thing as me. :) Somehow we got a spot. I am so thankful and grateful. AR is already talking about going to school (she doesn't start until August!). We have a long 6 months! :)
Here are a few pictures. We hope you are having a lovely week!
The W's

J looking so much like P as a baby. Those are his Christmas pajamas.

AR on Christmas morning trying to catch butterflies. This net was NOT one of her presents from Santa. This was just lying around my parents' garage. Go figure. :) By the way, is that not all PW or what?

J about to get into something. Overalls and a white turtleneck...so cute!

J and AR playing around. He LOVES to crawl over you.

J fell asleep in his high chair. Look at his pink cheeks...he was sick. :(

I know this is blurry, but it's so darn cute!

AR doing a Bono impression (in her Dora sunglasses)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, it's about time! I was about to write you off of the blogging world!! Cute pics of your babies. I love the Bono look! I can't believe J fell asleep in his high chair. Great news about the school too. All good news...I love that!
